sur Medacta Group SA (isin : CH0468525222)
Medacta Group SA Announces 14.3% Revenue Growth and 26.9% Adjusted EBITDA Margin in 1H 2024
Medacta Group SA reported a 14.3% increase in revenue at constant currency, amounting to EUR 288.6 million for the first half of 2024. The company achieved an adjusted EBITDA margin of 26.9%, or 28.1% at constant currency.
Profit for the period rose to EUR 38.0 million, representing a growth of 30.4% compared to 1H 2023. The outlook for FY 2024 anticipates revenue growth of 13% to 15% at constant currency, with the adjusted EBITDA margin expected to improve by approximately 50 basis points.
Medacta's geographical expansion and product innovation, including the introduction of the NextAR Shoulder and NextAR Rod Optimizer, significantly contributed to its robust performance. The first Capital Markets Day, highlighting business strategy and mid-term prospects, underscored the company's commitment to responsible and sustainable innovation.
R. E.
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