sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Reports Promising Gold Intercepts at McMillan Property

McFarlane Lake Mining Limited has announced promising results from its latest drilling efforts at the McMillan Gold Mine, located 70 km west of Sudbury, Ontario. Drill hole MLMM 08-05W1 revealed a significant 2.7 grams per tonne (gpt) of gold over 31.35 meters, which includes a higher-grade segment of 5.6 gpt over 13 meters and 10.7 gpt over 5 meters.

A follow-up drill (MLMM-24-04) showed a 54-meter segment of quartz sulphide stockwork, about 300 meters underground. The mineralized zone remains open along its strike and depth, indicating potential for further discoveries. McFarlane is conducting these operations to verify historical gold deposits and explore continuity around the historic mine. Located in a region known for gold exploration, further work is anticipated to expand their findings significantly.

The McMillan Gold Mine's strategic location near major infrastructure adds to its potential attractiveness for ongoing exploration and development efforts.

R. P.

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