sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Lake Mining Reports Voting Results from Annual Meeting

McFarlane Lake Mining Limited held its annual general and special meeting on March 3, 2025, in Toronto. The meeting covered several key resolutions. From a total of 244,738,654 shares, 53,043,300 shares were represented, making up 21.67% of the total voting power.

During the meeting, seven directors were elected, with Mark Trevisiol, among others, receiving full support, as did Fergus Kerr and Roger Emdin, each garnering over 99% of votes in favor. Amanda Fullerton received 89.44% support with 10.57% of votes withheld.

McGovern Hurley LLP were reappointed as auditors with 99.91% of votes in favor. Additionally, updates to the corporation’s stock option plan were approved with 95.24% support, while a resolution on security-based compensation arrangements passed with 86.63% support.

R. E.

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