sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Lake Mining Reports Positive Drilling Results at McMillan

McFarlane Lake Mining Limited has announced further positive drilling results at their McMillan Gold Mine in Ontario. The recent drilling uncovered a second wide zone of gold mineralization approximately 300 meters below the surface of the past-producing McMillan Gold Mine. Key highlights include drill hole MLMM-25-04, which intersected 2.0 grams per tonne (gpt) gold over 51.65 meters, and included higher grade zones such as 5.5 gpt gold over 7.55 meters.

The ongoing drilling aims to test the continuity of this gold zone, which remains accessible along strike and at depth. Initial findings suggest the ore body is steeply dipping and plunging eastward. The McMillan site, located within the Huronian Gold Belt, is considered a prime location for gold exploration, given its proximity to infrastructure and geological potential. McFarlane's efforts are focused on exploring this mineral trend further.

R. H.

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