sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Lake Mining Presents Promising Results at PDAC 2024

McFarlane Lake Mining Limited, a Canadian gold exploration and development company, announces its participation in the annual PDAC 2024 exhibition. Selected by the technical committee of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada, the company will showcase drill core samples from its High Lake gold project near Kenora, Ontario, at the PDAC Core Shack. This exhibition, recognized as the world's most important mining convention, will allow McFarlane Lake to present samples from its promising project to investors and industry experts.

In addition, Mark Trevisiol, CEO of McFarlane Lake, will present the significant progress made on the High Lake property at the Corporate Presentation Forum for Investors. The presentation, part of the gold session, will take place on March 5, 2024. Following a technical report from July 2023 compliant with NI 43-101, McFarlane Lake has identified 96,200 inferred ounces of gold and 45,800 indicated ounces of gold at High Lake, confirming the resource expansion potential.

The company, which is also exploring other mineral properties in the Sudbury and Timmins regions, is considering resuming drilling to expand the identified mineral resources. However, it remains mindful of risks, particularly in terms of public health with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which could influence its future operations and results.

R. E.

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