sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Lake Mining Limited Announces Expansion in Gold Mineralization at High Lake Property

TORONTO, ON - McFarlane Lake Mining Limited, a Canadian mineral exploration and development company, updates on significant exploration achievements at its High Lake property. Recent drilling has successfully extended gold mineralization within the Purdex Zone. Notable intersections include 13.96 grams per tonne of gold over 1.17 meters in hole MLHL-23-50 and 4.04 grams per tonne over 2.25 meters in hole MLHL-24-53, indicating eastward and depth expansions of gold presence.

CEO Mark Trevisiol remarks the exploration results as "very encouraging," aligning with the company's strategic development focus. Given the property's vast underexplored potential, further drilling is expected to increase the resource base significantly. Additionally, McFarlane has initiated exploration in the western sector, targeting historical zones with pending assay results.

Following a successful NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate filed in July 2023, the current High Lake drill program aims to build on the estimated 96,200 Inferred and 45,800 Indicated ounces of gold. The company adheres to stringent QA/QC protocols ensuring credible exploration outcomes. Technical review by Robert Kusins confirms the high standards of the exploration efforts.

This development aligns with McFarlane's ongoing commitment to explore and expand its mineral properties across Canada, reinforcing its standing in the sector amid growing gold market dynamics.

R. E.

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