sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Lake Mining Initiates Drilling on McMillan Mine Property

McFarlane Lake Mining Limited, a Canadian gold exploration company, has announced the commencement of drilling at its wholly-owned McMillan Mine property near Sudbury, Ontario. Situated on lands of multiple First Nation communities, the project follows a successful geophysical survey. The survey re-opened historical diamond drill holes to insert geophysical probe instruments, conducting Induced Polarization and Electro Magnetic assessments. A minimum of 3,000 meters will be drilled to confirm and expand upon historical gold findings, with previous intercepts reporting significant gold grades.

Recent samples from the site suggest high gold, copper, cobalt, and nickel concentrations, revealing potential added value through polymetallic gold-copper mineralization. Concurrently, McFarlane announced management changes effective December 1, 2024. Brad Boland, adding over 25 years of mining industry experience, joins as Chief Financial Officer, succeeding Chuck Lilly. Additionally, McFarlane has filed its latest financial statements and reports, maintaining transparency with shareholders.

R. H.

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