sur McFarlane Lake Mining Limited (NASDAQ:MLMLF)

McFarlane Lake Mining Completes Geophysical Survey at McMillan Gold Mine

TORONTO, ON - McFarlane Lake Mining Limited, a Canadian mineral exploration firm, has completed an induced polarized geophysical survey at the McMillan Gold Mine, which is located 70 kilometers west of Sudbury. This survey aims to explore areas where gold is known to exist with iron sulphide minerals.

The survey covered a surface area of 1.4 square kilometers, focusing on the historical McMillan Mine site near the House Lake Fault. This fault system and other nearby geological features are believed to potentially house gold resources.

Past data from the mine includes significant gold intercepts, such as 7.2 grams per tonne gold over 21.3 meters and 11.2 grams per tonne over 4.7 meters. These findings are suggestive of the high-grade potential that the McMillan property hosts. Results from this new survey are currently pending.

In addition to the McMillan property, McFarlane Lake Mining holds significant land at the Mongowin property, which includes the Fox Lake Mine near the intersecting Fox Lake Fault. This adjacency raises the potential for discovering additional gold resources in the region through future explorations.

McFarlane Lake Mining continues to await further assay results from its recent drilling at High Lake, providing an exciting outlook for the company’s resource development projects across multiple properties.

R. H.

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