sur Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG (isin : DE0005479307)

Management Changes at Varengold Bank AG

Varengold Bank AG has announced a significant change in its management team. Dr. Bernhard Fuhrmann and Mr. Frank Otten have departed from their roles on the Management Board, following an agreement with the Supervisory Board. In their place, Mr. Matthias Wargers has been appointed as the Spokesman of the Management Board. Additionally, Mr. Hendrik Harms will serve as an interim member. These changes aim to advance Varengold Bank's strategic focus on marketplace lending for fintechs, financing innovative medium-sized companies, and driving energy transition projects.

The announcement underscores the bank's commitment to adapt its business model to meet evolving market needs. However, the communication also cautions readers about potential risks and uncertainties associated with forward-looking statements. Varengold Bank AG does not intend the announcement as an offer for securities in any jurisdiction.

R. E.

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