sur Male Contraceptive Initiative

Male Contraceptive Initiative Marks Women’s History Month With Investment in Birth Control Pill for Men

Male Contraceptive Initiative (MCI) announced a significant $500,000 investment in YourChoice Therapeutics, a biotech startup based in San Francisco. This funding is allocated for the development of YCT-529, claimed to be the first hormone-free male birth control pill. The Phase 1a clinical study of this groundbreaking oral drug is now fully enrolled, a critical step in achieving reproductive health equity for both genders.

Highlighting the importance of Women's History Month, MCI stresses the imbalance historically seen in contraceptive responsibilities, with women bearing the brunt. Heather Vahdat, Executive Director of MCI, emphasizes that a male birth control pill could dramatically shift societal norms towards shared responsibility in pregnancy prevention, potentially fostering a future of reproductive equality.

YCT-529 operates by inhibiting sperm production through the blockade of retinoic acid in the male testes, a mechanism supported by multiple studies. Commenced in December 2023, its Phase 1a study includes 16 male volunteers. Initial NIH-funded preclinical studies show YCT-529's high efficacy and reversibility without side effects.

Akash Bakshi, YourChoice Therapeutics' co-founder and CEO, envisions a future of hormone-free birth control, recognizing the burden women have faced due to hormone-related side effects. With MCI's backing, YourChoice Therapeutics aims to make a significant stride in providing an effective, convenient, and side-effect-free contraceptive solution for men.

R. E.

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