sur Magna Terra Minerals Inc. (isin : CA5592712007)
Magna Terra Announces Results of Annual and Special Meeting
TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / February 29, 2024 / Magna Terra Minerals Inc., also known as Magna Terra (TSX-V:MTT), has successfully passed all resolutions at its annual and special meeting. The meeting resulted in the election of all nominee directors as outlined in the management information circular. Michael Byron, Patricia Kajda, Lewis Lawrick, and Gernot Wober received overwhelming majority votes in their favor, showcasing strong shareholder support.
In additional developments, McGovern Hurley LLP has been reappointed as the company's auditors for the next year, with the directors authorized to fix their compensation. Furthermore, the company's stock option plan received ratification and approval from the shareholders, ensuring the continuation of Magna Terra's incentive plans. These outcomes reflect the company's solid governance structure and shareholder confidence in its strategic direction.
R. P.
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