Madrid Nightlife Crowned Best in the World at WTM London
During the World Travel Market (WTM) in London, experts lauded Madrid's nightlife as the world's best, according to the second "Study on Nightlife as a Tourism Product." Conducted among tourism marketing professionals, 94.7% acknowledged nightlife's significant influence on travel destination choices.
The "Nightlife in Greater Madrid" campaign, led by the Community of Madrid's Tourism Board and NOCHE MADRID, showcased the city's vibrant nightlife via the debut of Madrid's first-ever Nightlife Guide. This initiative aims to position Madrid as a prime nightlife destination for high-purchasing-power markets.
Madrid's nightlife safety and public transportation were highlighted, with 92.2% and 92.1% positive responses, respectively. Additionally, the quality of service and music was praised by 81.6% of respondents. Madrid topped the ranking with 45.9% of the votes, outpacing Barcelona and Ibiza.
R. H.
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