Mace Security International, Inc. Partners with Triple4S Safety, LLC on Innovative Smart Pepper Spray

Mace Security International, Inc. (OTCQB:MACE), a renowned leader in personal safety products, has announced a new partnership with Triple4S Safety, LLC. This collaboration centers on the development and market launch of a cutting-edge smart pepper spray device. This product features GPS and Bluetooth capabilities, capable of sending the user's location to emergency contacts upon activation.

The newly developed smart pepper spray includes several enhancements aimed at boosting user safety and convenience. Features include a replaceable canister, a glass breaker, a quick-release keychain, and a practice water canister. Designed to be both sleek and ergonomic, the device will be available in various colors. Mace Security will handle production and sales, while both companies will jointly develop a strategic marketing plan, focusing on digital and social media outreach. Revenue from sales will be shared between Mace and Triple4S Safety.

R. H.

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