sur LUX

LUX Launches 'In Her Name' Campaign to Empower Women on 100th Anniversary

LUX, a well-known beauty brand part of Unilever, introduced its 'In Her Name' campaign in Singapore, with the objective of empowering women and challenging traditional naming practices in China. This initiative coincides with LUX's centennial celebration. The campaign focuses on the unconscious gender biases in names that reflect traditional gender roles, such as "Quiet" for girls and "Strong" for boys, which can impact women's identities and opportunities.

The 'In Her Name' campaign aims to create 100 new names that embody modern femininity, drawing from classical literature and positive connotations. LUX collaborated with Dr. Liu Yanchun, a respected linguistics expert, to ensure these names reflect a broad spectrum of feminine qualities and promote inclusivity. The process included input from various literary sources and contemporary societal norms.

The campaign also features digital artwork for each of the new names, showcasing unique designs to celebrate femininity. These names have been revealed on popular Chinese social media platforms like Little Red Book, Weibo, and Douyin, allowing women to select names that best represent their identities. Severine Vauleon, Global Brand Vice President of LUX, emphasized the campaign's goal to challenge stereotypes and support women in choosing powerful names to encourage a more inclusive society.

R. P.

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