sur LM Pay S.A. (isin : PLLMPAY00016)
LM PAY S.A. Posts Strong Growth in Q3 2024, Revises Full-Year Forecast
LM PAY S.A., a leader in embedded healthcare finance, has released its preliminary financial results for the first three quarters of 2024. Revenue increased by 39% year-on-year, reaching PLN 15.8 million (EUR 3.7 million). The company's EBIT soared over 100% to PLN 7.4 million (EUR 1.7 million), driven by an expanding customer base and strengthened partnerships with healthcare and beauty service providers.
The firm serviced 29.4 thousand clients, marking a 17% increase compared to the previous year, while maintaining a stable returning customer share at 30%. Although sales for Q3 2024 increased by 23% compared to the same period last year, LM PAY adjusts its full-year forecast with expected revenues between PLN 21–25 million and EBIT of PLN 5–7 million.
The company is positioned to leverage its strong market hold and the rising demand in the private healthcare sector. All figures reported are unaudited.
R. E.
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