sur LM Pay S.A. (isin : PLLMPAY00016)

LM Pay S.A. Announces New Board Member Appointment

LM Pay S.A., a financial service provider listed on the Düsseldorf Stock Exchange, has announced the appointment of a new board member. The Supervisory Board approved the appointment during their meeting on January 14, 2025. This strategic move aims to bolster the leadership team as the company continues to expand its operations.

CEO Jakub Czarzasty expressed appreciation for the board's decision, highlighting the expertise of the new appointee, Olga Gójska. Gójska previously served as Sales Director, bringing significant experience in sales operations and a deep understanding of the medical services market in Poland. Her addition is expected to support the company's growth trajectory effectively.

LM Pay S.A. specializes in providing financing for medical, dentistry, and aesthetics treatments, offering options such as 'Care Now, Pay Later' to improve healthcare accessibility. The company collaborates with over 13,000 facilities across Poland, facilitating efficient payment processes for both clinics and patients.

R. P.

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