sur LM Pay S.A. (isin : PLLMPAY00016)

LM Pay and CUK Ubezpieczenia Collaborate on Insurance Financing in Poland

LM Pay S.A., an independent provider of financing for medical services, has signed a Letter of Intent with CUK Ubezpieczenia, a leading insurance broker in Poland. The agreement, dated October 17, 2024, outlines plans to integrate insurance and loan services for clients. CUK Ubezpieczenia operates over 500 locations with 4,000 advisors across Poland.

The partnership aims to broaden access to insurance and financial services by enabling clients to defer insurance premium payments for up to 30 days without interest or to pay in installments. IT integration preparations are set for October 2024, with a launch anticipated in early 2025.

Although the Letter of Intent is not legally binding, both entities intend to formalize their cooperation by the end of 2024. This initiative is expected to enhance liquidity for households and businesses, offering flexibility in managing insurance expenses.

R. H.

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