List of Issuers of B Shares by Crédit Coopératif
Crédit Coopératif has published the list of local banks affiliated with the Fédération du Crédit Mutuel de Maine-Anjou et Basse-Normandie. This list includes 86 member funds spread over several departments, including Laval, Alençon, Le Mans, and Coutances.
Among the major banks, the Caisse centrale du Crédit Mutuel de Maine-Anjou et Basse-Normandie, located at 43 Boulevard Volney in Laval, brings together a significant portion of local institutions.
Members of the list include establishments such as Caisse de Crédit Mutuel de Château du Loir, Caisse de Laval Avesnières, and Caisse de Saint Lô Centre, each with its own address and RCS number.
This publication aims to strengthen the transparency and accessibility of information relating to local credit institutions under the aegis of the Crédit Mutuel Federation.
R. H.
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