sur Lenzing AG (isin : AT0000644505)

Lenzing Group Shows Signs of Recovery in 2024

The Lenzing Group reported a 5.7% rise in revenue for 2024, reaching EUR 2.66 billion. This recovery is credited to increased fiber sales and the effectiveness of their performance program, which saw EBITDA jump by 30.4% to EUR 395.4 million. Despite this, the company posted a net loss of EUR 138.3 million, affected by one-time expenses.

While fiber sales volumes increased, challenges persisted with elevated logistics and raw material costs. The company's operating result turned positive, reaching EUR 88.5 million, a stark contrast to the previous year's loss.

Looking forward, the Lenzing Group plans to strengthen their market position, focusing on environmentally responsible fibers. Although earnings visibility remains limited, they anticipate EBITDA growth for 2025, reinforced by strategic program implementation and market expansion efforts.

R. E.

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