sur Lenzing AG (isin : AT0000644505)
Lenzing AG Presents 2024 Annual and Sustainability Report
Lenzing AG, renowned for its expertise in regenerated cellulose fibers, has unveiled its 2024 Annual and Sustainability Report titled “Activate Transformation Here.” This report, available digitally, emphasizes ecological, social, and economic progress while urging the textile and nonwoven industries to adopt sustainable practices.
Lenzing’s report complies with European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and addresses key issues like climate, biodiversity, and circular economy through a double materiality analysis. The company updated its climate targets, aligning with the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. Investments in photovoltaic and biomass systems in Austria, and modernization of production sites in China and Indonesia, highlight their commitment to reducing emissions.
Innovative sustainable solutions mark Lenzing’s efforts, with new hydrophobic cellulose fibers and waterless dyeing technology. Projects like “Glacial Threads” and the CELLFIL project demonstrate Lenzing’s leadership in sustainability. Recognitions from CDP and EcoVadis reinforce its position as a sustainability champion.
R. P.
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