sur Lenzing AG (isin : AT0000644505)
Lenzing AG Announces Changes to Supervisory Board
Lenzing AG has announced a significant change in its Supervisory Board. The current Chairman, Cord Prinzhorn, will not seek re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2025. Prinzhorn plans to focus on his roles within the B&C Group, marking the end of his tenure with Lenzing AG.
In response, the Supervisory Board will propose Patrick Lackenbucher as a new member. Lackenbucher is anticipated to assume the role of Chairman in the future. This transition marks a critical point for Lenzing AG, as it undergoes leadership changes within its board.
The company, known for eco-responsible fiber production, emphasizes innovation and sustainability within the textile industry. The upcoming changes in leadership aim to continue supporting Lenzing's strategic goals.
R. E.
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