sur Lenovo Germany Holding GmbH (isin : DE0006605009)

Lenovo Germany Holding GmbH Sets Cash Compensation for MEDION AG Minority Shareholders

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Lenovo Germany Holding GmbH (EBR:MDN).

Lenovo Germany Holding GmbH, the majority shareholder of MEDION AG, has detailed the cash compensation for the transfer of shares from minority shareholders. This follows the formal notice issued on June 13, 2024, in compliance with the German Stock Corporation Act.

The compensation is set at EUR 14.28 per no-par value bearer share. This value is based on the present value of compensation payments under the existing profit and loss transfer agreement, surpassing both the pro rata earnings value per share and MEDION AG's current share price. A court-appointed expert is currently reviewing the appropriateness of this compensation.

The transfer's effectiveness depends on the approval at MEDION AG's general meeting on November 12, 2024, and the subsequent registration in the commercial register. The final decision will be taken during this scheduled meeting.

R. E.

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