sur Leclanché SA (isin : CH0016271550)

Leclanché's Navius MRS-3 Achieves DNV Certification

Leclanché SA has announced that its Navius MRS-3 Marine Rack System has obtained certification from Det Norske Veritas (DNV). This certification endorses the system's compliance with rigorous international safety and performance standards for marine use. The MRS-3, a modular lithium-ion battery system, is designed for fully electric and hybrid marine vessels. It offers improved energy density and safety features with Leclanché's 65 Ah G/NMC cells, increasing energy capacity by 13% to 8.7 kWh per module.

Safety remains a critical focus, with advanced systems like the Battery Active Safety System and a Functionally Safe Battery Management System in place. The liquid-cooled architecture enhances performance and reduces the system’s footprint. CEO Phil Broad emphasized that this certification underscores Leclanché's commitment to providing safe, efficient energy solutions supporting sustainable marine transport.

The MRS-3 is expected to play a significant role in marine vessel electrification, offering an ideal solution for reducing emissions and meeting environmental regulations. Leclanché is also seeking approvals from RINA, BV, and Lloyd’s Register.

R. H.

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