sur Travis Perkins (isin : GB0007739609)
Leadership Changes at Travis Perkins
Travis Perkins plc has announced significant changes in its board leadership roles. Effective February 1, 2025, Geoff Drabble has taken on the role of Chair of the Board. This development follows the company's previous announcement on July 10, 2024.
In conjunction with this change, Jez Maiden has stepped down from his position as Interim Chair, a role he had occupied since May 31, 2024. Jez Maiden will now continue his duties as the Senior Independent Director. The Board has expressed its gratitude for his contributions during his tenure as Interim Chair.
This change aligns with the company's strategic governance initiatives and adheres to Listing Rule 6.4.6(3). For further information or queries, Travis Perkins has provided contact details for media and investor relations.
R. P.
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