LDC reports a 6% increase in its turnover for 2023-2024

The LDC Group announced an increase in its turnover of 6% compared to the previous financial year, reaching 6.2 billion euros for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. This growth is attributed to both increased sales volumes, which increased slightly by 0.3%, and increased promotional efforts within the poultry sector. The fourth quarter saw a particular 1.6% increase in turnover, accompanied by a 4.6% increase in volumes compared to the same period the previous year.

The Poultry and Upstream activity particularly contributed to this performance, posting a 5.9% increase in turnover. Significant gains have been made through recent acquisitions. The promotional efforts deployed during the last quarter promoted notable growth in volumes sold.

Internationally, despite an unfavorable context, the Group observed a slight increase in its annual turnover to €833.2 million, thanks to value-added products. The Catering division also recorded robust growth of 10.2%, driven by price increases and the consistent performance of key brands.

Building on these results, LDC confirms its financial objectives for 2023-2024 and reiterates its ambitions for the medium-term strategic plan, targeting a turnover of 7 billion euros and an EBITDA of nearly €560 million by 2026-2027.

R. P.

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