LDC: Capital increase reserved for SOCCAD 2

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action LDC (EPA:LOUP).

On March 4, 2025, LDC announced a capital increase reserved for the company SOCCAD 2, composed of LDC salaried executives. The objective is to offer attractive access to share capital to encourage personal and financial investment by these executives.

Following a decision by the Management Board on February 27, 2025, following the authorization of the Combined General Meeting of August 22, 2024, LDC will issue 600,000 new ordinary shares at a subscription price of €52.90, with a maximum discount of 20%. The subscription period runs from April 4 to 10, 2025.

If all shares are subscribed, the share capital will increase to €7,174,173.20, an increase of approximately 1.7%. The shares will be listed on Euronext Paris without a prior AMF prospectus. The funds will be integrated into the treasury without any specific allocation.

R. E.

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