LCB signs key contracts with CDC Habitat and ICF Habitat Nord-Est

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action CONSTRUCTEURS BOIS (EPA:MLLCB).

Les Constructeurs du Bois (LCB), an eco-real estate developer, has signed major contracts with CDC Habitat and ICF Habitat Nord-Est for the Eco'City of Villerupt. These transactions bring the number of lots sold to 134, representing a business volume of €30 million.

CDC Habitat signed a second €11 million contract for the purchase of 51 homes, representing nearly 50% of LCB's sales in Villerupt. This NF Habitat HQE certified program will use level 3 biosourced materials.

ICF Habitat Nord-Est, a subsidiary of SNCF, also finalized the purchase of 47 lots for €7 million. These accommodations will meet the growing demand for quality housing for employees of SNCF subsidiaries in the region.

These sales materialize the collaboration between LCB and the EPA Alzette-Belval. LCB also acquired €4 million in land for the Cantebonne EcoQuartier, marking its commitment to sustainable, low-carbon construction.

R. P.

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