sur Laxxon Medical

Laxxon Medical Reports Promising Study Results for Parkinson's Treatment LXM.5

Laxxon Medical, a pharmaceutical technology innovator, has announced favorable outcomes from its nonclinical pharmacokinetic study of LXM.5, a new levodopa/carbidopa treatment for Parkinson's disease. The study demonstrated an 80% increase in bioavailability compared to similar treatments, maintaining consistent levodopa levels in the bloodstream.

The improved bioavailability results from a patented sequential release mechanism, enabling 8-hour dosage coverage with fewer tablets needed daily. This innovation addresses early morning akinesia, a common motor issue in Parkinson's patients, offering the potential for smoother levodopa delivery similar to pump systems but without their associated burdens.

Laxxon uses proprietary SPID®-Technology to create complex drug configurations, aiming to enhance treatment efficacy and minimize side effects. The company holds over 230 patents and continues to collaborate with major pharmaceutical and biotech entities.

R. H.

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