sur Laxxon Medical

Laxxon Medical Adds Two New Members to Board of Directors

Laxxon Medical has announced the appointment of Christof Bircher and Nneka Ukpai as independent directors to its Board. CEO Helmut Kerschbaumer highlighted their expertise in business strategy and technology development as vital to advancing Laxxon's strategic goals.

Christof Bircher, currently with Büchi AG, brings significant experience from his previous 15-year tenure at Mettler Toledo. His roles spanned product management to global marketing leadership, underscoring his expertise in digital innovation and business development.

Nneka Ukpai's background includes a focus on financial technology innovation and leadership roles at Better and a major law firm. Her experience in navigating global regulations and passion for growth and risk management underscore her value to Laxxon.

R. H.

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