sur Krones AG (isin : DE0006335003)

Krones Showcases Strong Revenue and Profitability Growth in 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Krones AG (EBR:KRN).

Krones AG has reported significant revenue and profitability improvements for the first three quarters of 2024. The company’s revenue increased by 11.2% year-on-year, reaching €3,874.8 million, aligning with its full-year growth forecast of 9% to 13%. Notably, the third-quarter revenue surged by 13.2% compared to the previous year. A steady order intake, amounting to €1,323.2 million in Q3, contributed to a 6.6% rise in order backlog over the past year, ensuring production capacity until 2025.

Despite higher material and personnel costs, Krones boosted its EBITDA margin from 9.5% to 10.1% due to enhanced efficiency. This led to an impressive 17.7% increase in EBITDA to €391.1 million. Free cash flow also improved dramatically from -€166.1 million to €145.0 million. Furthermore, the company's ROCE increased to 18.3%.

R. P.

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