sur Knaus Tabbert AG (isin : DE000A2YN504)

Knaus Tabbert AG Update: Positive Signals Amid Strategic Changes

Knaus Tabbert AG has released a new research update through First Berlin Equity Research GmbH, maintaining a BUY recommendation despite lowering the price target from €32 to €29. The report follows the company's recent release of preliminary 2024 results and highlight of strategic realignments. The updated guidance for 2025 suggests expected revenues near €1 billion and an EBITDA margin between 5% and 6.5%.

The management board has been restructured, and production resumed at the end of January after a Q4 pause aimed at reducing excess inventory. The information from Knaus Tabbert provided reassurance to market stakeholders, who had been concerned about the company's solvency and profitability amid a tumultuous period. Overall, the recent announcements are seen as positive steps forward.

R. E.

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