sur Knaus Tabbert AG (isin : DE000A2YN504)
Knaus Tabbert Advances in Strategic Realignment
Knaus Tabbert AG has implemented numerous stabilization measures under its new management, aiming to enhance competitiveness and stability. This includes improving production efficiency, sales strategies, and dealer support, along with significant cost reductions. A simplification of the chassis portfolio and a focus on high-demand categories are expected to boost production efficiency from 2026.
Key management additions, including Jochen Hein as Chief Operating Officer and Matjaž Grm as a consultant, bring industry expertise to aid this realignment. Recent structural adjustments include staff reductions and operational changes to adapt to post-pandemic demand levels. Despite these cost-heavy measures impacting the 2024 financials, a positive outlook for 2025 is anticipated with projected revenues of around one billion euros and an EBITDA margin of 5.0% to 6.5%.
R. E.
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