sur Kingstone Companies, Inc (NASDAQ:KINS)

Kingstone Insurance Teams Up with Earnix to Enhance Pricing Strategy

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Kingstone Companies, Inc (EBR:KINS).

Kingstone Companies, Inc., a key player in the Northeast regional property and casualty insurance market, has announced a strategic partnership with Earnix. This collaboration aims to enhance Kingstone Insurance's pricing sophistication and speed, aligning with the company's growth objectives.

Earnix, known for its cloud-based intelligent solutions, will provide Kingstone with advanced pricing capabilities supported by data-science and artificial intelligence. This will enable Kingstone to implement accurate pricing strategies through predictive modeling.

The partnership promises improved governance and quick product roll-outs, enhancing Kingstone's agility in responding to market changes. CEO Meryl Golden emphasized its alignment with Kingstone's vision for growth and innovation. Robin Gilthorpe of Earnix expressed enthusiasm, noting how their solutions will help operationalize Kingstone's objectives and expand market presence.

R. H.

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