sur Kingstone Companies, Inc (NASDAQ:KINS)
Kingstone Insurance Partners with Zojacks to Enhance Policyholder Protection Against Water Damage
Kingstone Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Kingstone Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq:KINS), has announced a partnership with Zojacks, a company specializing in water leak detection technology. This collaboration is set to offer Kingstone policyholders innovative solutions to protect their homes from water damage and reduce the risks linked with water-related insurance claims.
Zojacks' technology, capable of monitoring temperature and detecting water leaks, automatically shuts off the main house water supply as a preventative measure. Policyholders who install Zojacks’ systems may benefit from reduced product pricing and qualify for insurance discounts, enhancing their peace of mind and offering significant cost savings.
“We are excited to work with Zojacks to provide our policyholders with advanced technology solutions for mitigating water damage risks,” said Meryl Golden, the CEO of Kingstone Companies, Inc. Zojacks will manage the implementation of these systems, while Kingstone ensures that their policyholders receive the related benefits smoothly and efficiently.
Nate Baldry, President and Founder of Zojacks, expressed pride in partnering with Kingstone to protect homeowners from water damage. The company emphasizes the user-friendly nature and simplicity of the installation process of their flood detection systems and provides a mobile app for easy operation and monitoring.
R. P.
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