sur Norling Studios
Khyentse Norbu's New Film "Pig at the Crossing" to Launch with Global Virtual Premiere
Acclaimed filmmaker Khyentse Norbu, known for his works "The Cup" and "Travellers and Magicians," will be releasing his latest film "Pig at the Crossing" through a global virtual premiere on May 11, 2024. The film, developed in collaboration with young Bhutanese filmmakers, represents a diverse mix of novice and seasoned talents.
Despite being rejected by 30 prestigious film festivals, the film is set to bypass the traditional cinematic release routes, opting instead for direct engagement with its audience through a virtual platform. This innovative premiere will feature five screenings across different time zones, making it accessible to a global audience.
The shift away from conventional distribution highlights the filmmakers' dedication to maintaining authenticity and offers viewers a unique, immersive experience unbounded by geographic constraints. Interested viewers can find ticket information and details about the premiere on the official film website.
R. H.
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