sur OneMain Financial

Key Considerations for Homeowners Thinking About Purchasing a Swimming Pool

New York, NY - As homeowners weigh the decision to add a swimming pool to their property, OneMain Financial highlights seven essential factors to consider. The choice between an above-ground or in-ground pool stands as the initial decision, each offering distinct advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, installation, maintenance, and aesthetics.

The size and shape of the pool are crucial, with above-ground options typically available in rectangular or circular designs and in-ground pools offering more variety. The construction material of the pool also significantly impacts maintenance needs and durability; choices range from vinyl liners to fiberglass or concrete constructions.

Another vital aspect is the pool’s filtration and sanitation system, essential for maintaining clear and healthy water. Homeowners must decide between options like sand filters, cartridge filters, or Diatomaceous Earth systems, as well as chlorine-based or saltwater sanitation solutions.

Additionally, extras such as solar covers, diving boards, and heating systems can enhance the swimming pool experience but should be planned according to budget. Finding a reputable contractor and considering the overall price, including potential financing options for the project, are also key steps in the pool purchasing process. Homeowners are encouraged to thoroughly research and plan to make informed decisions fitting their lifestyle and budget.

R. H.

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