sur Karbon-X Project Inc. (NASDAQ:KARX)

Karbon-X Partners with Edmonton Oilers, Logo to Feature on Away Jerseys

OEG Sports & Entertainment (OEGSE) and Karbon-X have announced a new partnership. The Karbon-X logo will be displayed on the Edmonton Oilers' away jerseys throughout the 2026-27 NHL season.

Stew MacDonald, President of OEGSE, highlighted the importance of this collaboration, emphasizing its alignment with the energy sector's contributions in Northern Alberta. This partnership aims to connect with Oilers fans and the broader community.

Karbon-X is known for assisting companies and individuals in reducing carbon emissions. CEO Chad Clovis expressed pride in the partnership, noting the significance of featuring their logo on the Oilers' jerseys.

Additionally, OEGSE plans to cooperate with Karbon-X to examine and decrease its carbon footprint.

R. E.

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