sur Karbon-X Project Inc. (NASDAQ:KARX)

Karbon-X Partners with Banff Marathon to Offset Environmental Impact

CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / May 29, 2024 / Karbon-X (OTC PINK:KARX), a leading provider of carbon offset solutions, announces its partnership with the Banff Marathon to neutralize the environmental impact of the event. Karbon-X will offset the carbon footprint, ensuring a more eco-friendly race.

The Banff Marathon, known for its breathtaking scenery and challenging courses, attracts global participants. Event organizers enlisted Brightspot, a sustainability firm, to measure the marathon's environmental footprint, analyzing transportation, energy consumption, and waste generation. The assessment revealed significant carbon emissions associated with the event in Banff National Park.

To mitigate these emissions, Karbon-X provided 956 VERRA carbon credits, representing investments in projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions, such as renewable energy generation. "We are thrilled to partner with the Banff Marathon to support their sustainability goals," said Chad Clovis, CEO of Karbon-X.

The partnership highlights a growing trend towards sustainability in the event industry. As more organizations prioritize eco-friendly practices, carbon offsetting emerges as a practical strategy. "Partnering with Karbon-X to offset our carbon emissions is a crucial step towards achieving our sustainability objectives," stated Paul Regensburg, Event Director of the Banff Marathon.

R. E.

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