sur Karbon-X Project Inc. (NASDAQ:KARX)
Karbon-X Corp. Uplists to OTCQB Market
Karbon-X Corp. has announced that its common shares are now trading on the OTCQB Market with the ticker KARX. This move, alongside eligibility for electronic clearing in the US via the Depository Trust Company, aims to boost the company's visibility and improve trade efficiency and liquidity.
CEO Chad Clovis highlighted the increased accessibility for US investors, particularly amid rising interest in carbon trading and sequestration technologies. The OTCQB Market, managed by OTC Markets Group, supports early-stage companies by enhancing their profile and access to investors.
Karbon-X focuses on sustainability, offering carbon offset solutions to counter environmental impacts. The company stresses the potential benefits of this listing, though it acknowledges the forward-looking nature of these expectations and possible uncertainties.
R. H.
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