sur Justera Health Ltd. (isin : CA81100U2011)
Justera Health Issues 23 Million RSUs to Align Interests
Justera Health Ltd., a Canadian company based in Toronto, announced the issuance of 23 million restricted share units (RSUs) as part of its omnibus incentive plan. This decision, approved by the Board on November 7, 2024, aims to retain skilled personnel by aligning their interests with those of the shareholders. The RSUs will vest in stages: 50% immediately, and the remaining over six months. This approach reflects Justera's strategic efforts to maintain and motivate its workforce within a competitive market environment.
The incentive plan received shareholder approval on December 6, 2023, underscoring their confidence in the company’s direction. As Justera continues to focus on health and wellness, these RSUs are vital to securing the commitment of its employees, directors, and consultants.
R. E.
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