Joint Venture Paprec Energies and PIZZORNO Environnement for a €130 million project

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action PIZZORNO (EPA:GPE).

Dracénie Provence Verdon Agglomération (DPVa) awards the Joint Venture Paprec Energies/PIZZORNO Environnement the construction and operation of its Environmental Transition Hub. This 25-year contract represents an investment of 130 million euros.

The project includes a sorting unit for 48,000 tonnes of waste per year, a household waste recovery unit and a heating network. SEMOP will ensure governance, guaranteeing public control of the project.

Commissioning is scheduled for the second half of 2028, creating 25 direct jobs. The objective is to produce heat and electricity locally and reduce CO2 emissions by 3,976 tonnes per year.

The future 13.8 km heat network will supply 24 MWh per year to public buildings and homes in Draguignan. The approach also aims to achieve 32% renewable energy in the energy mix.

R. P.

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