JML Finance (Luxembourg) sarl: New Issuance of Bonds and Exchange Offer for Existing Bonds
Julius Meinl Living, a group specializing in prime real estate development for hotel properties, is planning a new bond issuance and an exchange offer for its existing bonds. These efforts are aimed at further expanding their portfolio and refinancing existing debt. SFI Markets has been appointed as the sole bookrunner for the new bond issue under the EUR 300 million EMTN programme and as the dealer manager for the exchange offer.
The new issuance will be a 5-year EUR secured and guaranteed fixed rate bond, with a target volume of up to EUR 50 million, subject to market conditions. The bond is expected to offer an indicative coupon of 7% and an internal rate of return in excess of 10%. It will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Euronext Paris. Existing bondholders will have the opportunity to exchange their bonds on a 1:1 basis.
SFI Markets will oversee the logistics, with the exchange offer open until 11 June 2024. Pricing for the new bonds is anticipated on 13 June 2024. The Bank of New York Mellon will act as the Exchange Agent. Interested parties can obtain relevant documents from the Julius Meinl Living and SFI Markets websites.
R. P.
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