sur MPress Records

James Mastro releases his first solo album "Dawn of a New Error"

James Mastro, known for The Bongos and Health & Happiness Show, has just released his very first solo album, "Dawn of a New Error", under the MPress Records label. The artist began a tour with Alejandro Escovedo, offering a solo opening performance before playing in Escovedo's band.

This album marks a turning point for Mastro, placing him back at the forefront of the musical scene as a singer and composer. It features vocals from Ian Hunter and is produced by Tony Shanahan, known for his work with Patti Smith.

The album's songs were recorded according to Mastro and Shanahan's availability, between their respective commitments. Mastro emphasizes the importance of this spontaneous process, which he believes leads to better musical results.

For more information on the tour and album, fans are encouraged to visit James Mastro's official website.

R. P.

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