sur Jaguar Mining, Inc. (isin : CA47009M8896)

Jaguar Mining Updates on Turmalina Mine Incident Recovery

Jaguar Mining Inc. has provided an update on recovery efforts following the December 9, 2024 incident at its Turmalina mine in Brazil. The slump in the Satinoco tailings pile led to temporary suspension of operations. Remediation steps are ongoing, with geological radars monitoring the pile and containment barriers installed to protect nearby communities.

Although about 85 families were evacuated, there is a commitment to their support until safe return is feasible. The Turmalina infrastructure is repairable, and the company is coordinating with various agencies to strategize a safe resumption of operations.

While civil and criminal proceedings may arise, Jaguar emphasizes its proactive rehabilitation efforts. CEO Vern Baker expresses gratitude for community cooperation and believes in the company’s long-term growth potential, underscored by other ongoing developments.

R. H.

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