sur Jaguar Mining, Inc. (isin : CA47009M8896)

Jaguar Mining Schedules Investor Presentation in Toronto

Jaguar Mining Inc. has announced a breakfast presentation set for March 4, 2025, in Toronto. This event offers investors a chance to hear directly from CEO Vernon Baker, who will provide a corporate update, followed by a Q&A session. Interested participants should note that space is limited and reservations are on a first-response basis.

The event will be held at Ventum Capital Boardroom, Brookfield Place, Toronto. Registration is required by February 27, 2025, at 5:00PM ET. The link for registration is available on Eventbrite.

Jaguar Mining is a significant player in Brazil's Iron Quadrangle, holding the second-largest gold land position. This area has been a hub for mineral exploration since the 16th century, with world-class deposits like Morro Velho and Cuiabá. The company's operations include key complexes such as MTL and Caeté, with plans to restart the Paciência Complex.

R. E.

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