sur Jaguar Mining, Inc. (isin : CA47009M8896)

Jaguar Mining Reports 2024 Results and 2025 Outlook

Jaguar Mining Inc. revealed its production results for the fourth quarter and full year 2024. The Turmalina mine faced temporary suspension from December 7, 2024, impacting production. However, operations at the Pilar mine remained consistent.

For Q4, Jaguar produced 14,787 ounces of gold, a decrease from 16,912 ounces in Q3 and 18,482 ounces in Q4 2023. Total gold production for 2024 was 64,705 ounces, compared to 70,702 ounces in 2023. This decline stemmed from Turmalina's reduced output. Despite setbacks, Pilar increased production by 5% in Q4 and 9% for the year.

The company's cash reserves rose to $46.3 million, up from $41.6 million in the previous quarter, aided by strong gold prices. Looking ahead, Jaguar plans to increase production at Pilar while evaluating the Turmalina recovery timeline.

R. P.

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