sur Jade Leader Corp. (isin : CA46989B1031)

Jade Leader Corp. Expands Financing Efforts

Calgary-based Jade Leader Corp. announced an increase in its non-brokered private placement offering. The company will now provide up to 6,625,000 common shares at $0.04 each, totaling up to CDN$265,000. This initiative targets accredited investors and requires TSX Venture Exchange approval.

Funding will support working capital, corporate purposes, and jade exploration and marketing throughout 2025. Notably, insiders will partake, marking the transaction as "related party" under TSX regulations. Jade Leader will utilize exemptions due to the transaction's market value being below 25% of company capitalization.

Insiders' involvement aligns with Jade Leader's growth strategy in the jade sector, which, contrary to popular belief, outweighs the rough diamond market in size. The company capitalizes on its board's vast geological expertise and its president's jade carving skills to advance its six U.S.-based jade properties.

R. P.

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