sur Jade Leader Corp. (isin : CA46989B1031)

Jade Leader Concludes $265,000 Private Placement

Jade Leader Corp. (TSXV:JADE) has announced the closure of a non-brokered private placement, raising CDN$265,000 through the issuance of 6,625,000 common shares at $0.04 per share. The transaction did not involve any finders fees and the securities have a hold period until June 5, 2025.

Insiders, including President Jean-Pierre Jutras and Normand Goupil, were significant participants in the offering, accounting for 5,000,000 of the shares. Jutras now controls 8.1% of shares, while Goupil holds 13.4% based on a non-diluted basis. This transaction is classified as a "related party transaction" under TSXV Policy 5.9 and MI 61-101, though it qualifies for certain exemptions.

The funds will be allocated toward working capital, corporate purposes, and further jade exploration and marketing initiatives. This aligns with Jade Leader's focus on expanding its presence in the growing international jade market.

R. P.

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