sur Think Research (isin : CA88410J1075)

ISS Recommends Approval of Think Research Corporation and Beedie Capital Arrangement

Think Research Corporation (TSXV:THNK), headquartered in Toronto, announced that Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), a prominent proxy advisory firm, has advised its shareholders to vote in favor of the plan of arrangement with Beedie Investments Ltd. This transaction promises shareholders an attractive premium over the share price prior to the announcement, potentially mitigating ongoing uncertainties and challenges.

The deal entails Beedie Capital acquiring all common shares of Think Research, except those held by Beedie Capital itself and a group of continuing shareholders, at a price of $0.32 per share. With approvals from shareholders, courts, and regulatory bodies pending, the arrangement is slated for closure in Q2 2024. A special virtual meeting for shareholder voting is scheduled for April 4, 2024.

The Board of Directors, following unanimous recommendations from a special committee, has endorsed the arrangement agreement, citing it as beneficial for the company’s future. They urge shareholders to review the detailed discussions provided in the management's information circular dated March 1, 2024, to better understand the conditions and expected outcomes of the transaction.

For further voting information or assistance, shareholders are encouraged to contact Morrow Sodali, the strategic shareholder advisor. Amid positive forward-looking statements by Think Research regarding the transaction, the company also cautioned about the potential risks and uncertainties that could affect the anticipated benefits and timeline.

R. E.

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