sur Irving Resources Inc (isin : CA4637731015)

Irving Resources Advances Drilling at East Yamagano JV Project

Irving Resources Inc. has provided an update on its exploration activities at the East Yamagano JV project in Kyushu, Japan. As the manager of the Yamagano and Noto joint venture, the company completed its second diamond drill hole, 24SY-001, targeting a steeply oriented resistive zone. This area is potentially linked to hydrothermal activity associated with epithermal gold veins.

While 24SY-001 did not uncover high-grade mineralization like the previous 23SY-001, it did reveal argilization and silicification, indicating proximity to deeper vein zones. The current drill hole, 24SY-002, aims to explore further into a steep resistive zone, showing promising quartz veins. Completion is expected soon, with plans to drill additional holes by mid-2025.

The venture involves Newmont Overseas Exploration, Sumitomo Corporation, and Irving. Initial interests are Newmont at 60%, Sumitomo at 12.5%, and Irving at 27.5%.

R. H.

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